Steve Nailer
Steve Nailer has had over 30 years’ experience leading teams in two highly competitive industries being the building & logistics industries. Having worked from the ground up, to holding the CEO role, he has both operational and managerial experience and knowledge that you can be brought to any leadership role.
Steve has strong commercial and strategic skills that have delivered major success and growth in his previous roles.
Steve prides himself on being proactive and a strong leader that enjoys motivating people. Having worked for a large family business, his ability to understand the machinations of team unity and personal development across all levels; as this was the key to his success.

We are passionate about developing leadership in individuals and businesses
SKNA offers and delivers leadership coaching services and mentoring programs for individuals, teams and organisations that unlocks potential, drives engagement and increases performance.
In short, we design and implement coaching programs that fit your individual or team’s needs in S/M/L mentoring.
By using SKNA’s simple tools & processes, we assist you in breaking down your most complex issues empowering you then to achieve success. So personal & business coaching can be the single most significant investment you make in your career or business.
SKNA’s personal coaching approach can act as a great resource for all types of industries and at all levels. Whether you’re a business professional struggling to earn a promotion or are unsure of your next move, the right business coach can set you on a lucrative path to success.
SKNA business coaching can help business owners in a variety of ways. We create actionable personalised advice and strategic plans that address challenging issues, accelerate business growth or plan for succession and retirement.
The goal of SKNA’s business coaches is to help business owners emphasise their leadership strengths, mitigate weaknesses, and establish clear paths of action that will help them make better business decisions and achievement of the company’s vision.